This article will help you to
- Create a single new user.
- Create multiple new users
- Identify common import errors
Create a single new user
1. Click on Admin and then on Users in the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Create users in the upper right corner and then on Create.
3. Enter the mail address, first name, and last name of the user in the dedicated fields and click on Create.
Note: Once you have created the user make sure to send an invite.
Create multiple new users
Prepare an Excel file
Before importing users to the platform, you have to prepare an Excel file with the users and the information you’d like to upload. Make sure that:
- All users and their information are on the first sheet as we only import the first sheet of the file.
- The first row does not contain any user info you want to upload. This row is considered to contain column headers and will not be imported.
- That user info is split into separate columns. First -, last name and email are required. (SSO IdP ID is for platforms that have enabled Single Sign-On)
Tip: You can download an example file at the end of this article.
Import users
1. Click on Admin and then on Users in the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Create users and then on Import from Excel.
3. Drag and drop your Excel file in the provided area or click on the field to upload the file.
4. Verify that the content is correct and select the right headers for each column. We show you a table with the first five rows of your Excel file. (Required for first -, last name, and email.)
Note: Columns that are not mapped will be ignored.
5. Click on Next. A report of what is about to happen will open up. If no problems have been detected, click on Import to start the user import.
Note: Once you have uploaded the new users make sure to send an invite.
Common import errors
We always analyse your file and show you a report of what exactly will happen when your file is imported. If the analysis detects any problems, you can cancel and fix the errors.
- No identifier - Columns are missing an email.
For SSO-enabled sites, neither an email nor an IdP ID was offered. - Invalid emails - When columns contain incorrectly formatted email addresses.
- Duplicates emails or SSO IdP IDs - When the file you are importing contains
the same email address or SSO IdP ID in more than one column. - No identifier - When columns are missing
- Multiple targets - When a column contains both an email and an IdP ID,
but the installation already contains a different user for each of those. - Multiple sources - When two columns each contain an email and an IdP ID,
and they both match a single existing user on the installation. - Missing names - When the first and last name fields of a column are both empty.
- Updated - The file you are importing contains updated information to some users.
- Unchanged - Refers to users already on your platform, and all the uploaded
information was identical. - Skipped - This means these users will not be imported
We hope this article has been useful for you.
If you need more help, feel free to reach us: