This article will help you to
- Update existing users
- Restore previously deleted users
Have you accidentally deleted a user or do you want to restore previously deleted users? Here is how you do it.
Step 1 - Prepare Excel file
Prepare an Excel spreadsheet including the user's first name, last name, and email address as well as the user labels, and make sure that each user label is in a separate column.
Tip: If you want to restore a previously deleted user, make sure to use the mail address the user was registered with before.
Step 2 - Upload Excel file
1. Click on Admin in the upper right corner and then on Users in the drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Create users and then on Import from Excel. Drag and drop your Excel file in the dedicated area.
Step 3 - Advanced Options
Map the columns with the right headers and then click on Advanced options. Choose if you want to update existing users and if you want to restore previously deleted ones. Then click on Next.
Note: Restored users will need to receive an activation email to login again with an email/password. Their likes and follows will not be restored and they will not be added back to evaluation teams that they were members of.
We hope this article has been useful for you.
If you need more help, feel free to reach us: