This article will help you to
- Understand process and stages
- Create a process with stages
- Define the active stage
- Delete a stage
What is a Process & stage?
Stages allow you to create a custom workflow for each of your channels and get a visual overview of your idea pipeline. To set up a process, you need to set up at least 2 stages. Read more about how to benefit from process and stages here
Create a process and stages
1. Click on Admin and then on whichever channel you wish to create a process and stage.
2. Scroll down to the section Process and click on Add stage. Give your new stage a name and click Create stage. You can create as many stages as you want.3. You can now set up each stage individually so it suits your needs. In the Stage settings, you can change the stage title and add a stage description.
Tip: The stage description is visible to all people in a channel when hovering over
the elements in the timeline.
Define the active stage
The active stage is the part of the process in which all newly added ideas will be submitted to.
1. Turn on the switch in the field Active stage to make a stage the active stage.
Tip: The active stage is marked with a green dot in the timeline on the user level.
Delete a stage
Before you delete a stage, make sure that there are no ideas on it and that it is not the active stage.
1. Click on Delete in the field Delete stage.
We hope this article has been useful for you.
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